Sun: Gemini
Moon: Leo
Rising: Libra
Communities- Alt/metal/emo etc I was drawn to this through the music I love, the friends that brought me into it and the “look” of that scene. But also because it gave me a sense of belonging. I was bullied a lot in school and going to gigs and being around people in the scene who I admired and wanted to be like when I was 16 was a huge escape. I loved the rush of being surrounded by people also feeling the same love and excitement for the music and I still love that now. When I talk about the “look” or “aesthetic” it’s more than just wanting to look a certain way. I’ve never felt traditionally “girly” it never sat with me. I’ve never felt comfortable until I found the confidence to start wearing more alt fashion. It just feels like me. And an expression of who I am as a person, it just fits right. And I’m excited to keep exploring and developing how i express that. I do already express this identity through the way I dress. I also have become more active with other members of the same community on twitter and other social media. I used to hide it and not feel confedient enough but not anymore. And I absolutely think they help make up our identities once you find a space you resonate with, it’s like finding a home. Leftist political community this community sometimes overlaps with the punk/alt space but I think it’s it’s own defined community. My passion for politics and radical social change has been with me as long as I can remember. A huge part of my identity is formed around rebelling and standing up against what I think is wrong. I’ve been that way ever since I was old enough to talk. It’s who I am and I will continue to do what I can to honour that side of myself and continue to fight against the powers that threaten my communities and all of us that are down trodden by them. I’ve also been expressive and loud about my views and values. More so now than ever. I’ve organised protests, become a labour member, am a women’s officer for B Young Labour. And I am vocal within my community to push forward and be a voice for socialist and leftists ideology. Because I truly belief these ideas can create a better world.
Lyrics - “So spare me your sentiments and accept me as I am” - paradise and plague, counterparts “One life and one decision, make sure it ends with you still living” - Body bag, beartooth
“The people are freezing And the water is warm And the ice caps are melting What will happen when they're gone Will the experts look stupid And invert the facts Will they gave you back your donations Or keep the paper stacks” - The Hunter, Slaves
Disease- Beartooth
What you need- Bring me the horizon
All I wanted- Paramore
Paradise and Plague- Counterparts
Passing through the screendoor- The Wonder Years
Things I can’t change- The story so far
Face down- the red jumpsuit apparatus
No good- knuckle puck
Albums- What you don’t see- the story so far
Nothing left to love - counterparts
Sinners never sleep- you me at six
The Finer things- state champs