Sun: Taurus
Moon: Leo
Rising : Virgo
Communities : LGBTQ+ & Alt (maybe?)
I'd say I was part of the LGBTQ+ community as I'm bisexual. This is something I like to express online and among close friends but I'm not out to my family due to their religious beliefs. So i guess its a dual part of me, expressed and hidden. I love this community and started going to Pride parades when I was about 16, and im 22 now. I love the whole celebration of love and life and expression and colour. Its a place where I lose a lot of anxiety and just get to enjoy it.
I actually discovered the LGBTQ+ community through the ALT music community. This helped me express myself in my teen years and young adulthood, throughout school and college and uni. I have my nose pierced since I was 16 and ive got 2 tattoos (and counting) and love to dye my hair. I would definitely say these communities helped shape who I am.
This was tough but at the minute:
Fave lyric : "I figured out that the modern world is turning the wrong way round."
Fave album: Manic - Halsey
Fave quote (also a lyric) : "dont belong to no city dont belong to no man."