Sun- Pisces
Moon- Taurus
Rising- Sagittarius
I’m part of the LGBT+ community (but in the closet to family) alternative and art community eyyy! I love the communities that I am a part of, as they are the only places I can truly be myself and feel like I belong. I’m also a old tumblr user, I’ve had it for many years and made life long friendships from the community, I rarely use it anymore but the people I have met and the places I have been because of an account that I started when I was 13 will be with me forever.
I was drawn to these scenes just purely through growing up as a shy, weird and creative child. I get stuck in the emo phase and grew a little gothic. I express this through my creepy art and art is also the only place I feel I can express my sexuality without giving it away to my family. I’m pansexual and I know my family with very “traditional, conservative and religious” values which I do not share, would not be okay with it. I am the opposite, I’m hugely connected with nature and animals, I’m a supporter of pure human kindness and encourage people to be kind above anything else. I tell myself that I might not be beautiful but I am kind and that is the best thing I can be. My art and clothing and the music that resonates with me are a way for me to be who I am comfortably. Knowing that I am being purely and safely myself.
Personally I don’t think that communities make out identities but they help us to grow into ourselves. They give advice and love where a lot of blood relatives don’t. There are people who can help with quick questions, more in-depth advice or be family for you when you have no one. Communities help you to discover who you are but that is already within you.
My favourite album is probably Arcane roots Blood and Chemistry. It has beautiful melodies and soulful atmosphere however is heavily connected to the metal core scene that is only listen to. All of their music fills my heart.