Star signs: Sun in Libra / Rising in Cancer / Moon in Taurus
What communities do you feel you are a part of?
LGBTQ+ also the mental health community if you consider that a thing?
Where do you feel you fit in your communities?
I'm a smaller part when it comes to the LGBTQ+ community as a whole, but I feel most comfortable in groups of WLW individuals. I also feel that as a white cisgender member of the community, I can acknowledge my privilege and use it to support other members of the community that don't have access to the same privileges as me.
In the mental health community, I feel that I can use my past experiences to help normalize the symptoms of mental illness that are often overlooked or stigmatized. In my experience, it's been very beneficial to realize that I'm not alone in my thoughts. If I can help other people understand why they're feeling the way they are, then I will feel that I've done my job as a part of the mental health community.
What drew you to them?
Quite simply, I'm gay and I'm depressed. LMAO
But really though, understanding that there are countless others that have similar feelings and experiences has made me more comfortable in my own identity and experience.
Do you believe that communities help make up our identities? :
Absolutely! Though I think we're born with the fundamental pieces of our identity, communities help to shape and further develop our identity in a way that's more cohesive with those around us.
Favorite album?
Because The Internet - Childish Gambino
Favorite song?
Empty - Kevin Abstract