Sun: Aquarius
Moon: Pisces
Rising: Libra
I am apart of the LGBTQ+ community. Despite meeting so many wonderful people in this community I sometimes feel looked down on, I am femme and have a child, so despite identifying as queer now, people make their own assumptions.
What drew me to the LGBTQ+ community is women. it took me a long time to figure out who I am.
I’m not sure I hide my identity in the community but I don’t necessarily purposefully express it. There are of course the few simple give aways that I am queer, the same as every community. Whether it be a staple item of clothing or the music I listen to.
I believe communities are the end point of our identities. You have your identity, the community is where you go when you feel you have found it. Some people find their identities within communities, but truth is that identity is already there - some just need a little push to see it (I believe).
My favourite lyrics are by 21 Pilots. I heard this song years ago, and this verse really resonated with me back then. Listening to it reminds me of how far I’ve come, and how much I am no longer that person. They are:
Peace will win and fear will lose It is faith and there's sleep We need to pick one please because Faith is to be awake And to be awake is for us to think And for us to think is to be alive And I will try with every rhyme To come across like I am dying To let you know you need to try to think