Star signs - Aquarius (sun) / Pisces (moon)
Communities – pole dancing / LGBTQ+ / music lover (EDM + raver) / gamer
I feel that I fit into these communities / was drawn to these communities because they are
communities based upon interests I have or aspects of my life that I have no choice in. I feel
like I fit into these communities because I like to live life to the truest and fullest I possibly
can, and to me that means embracing many aspects of life without hesitation and living
I express these communities daily by presenting myself as a package deal, like you want me
then you must have these things as well. For example:
I am and openly gay man, so I would say that most of the time I present that, so
people cant be confused by what I am presenting.
As far as the other communities that I have mentioned, I would class them as
hobbies that I thoroughly enjoy to the point where I wont present them as much as
my sexual identity but when people I don’t know ask about them I will tell them, and
when the people I do know already know how much I like them and how involved
those hobbies / communities are in my life.
I believe that a way of looking at a person, is by thinking of them as a jigsaw puzzle. And the
interests / communities that they associate with are the pieces that make / fill in the puzzle,
and in turn create the individual.
My favourite lyric will probably have to be “he said, one day you’ll leave this world behind.
So, live a life you will remember” from the nights by Avicii. My favourite song is a tough
choice, but it would have to be either Superlove by Avicii or Greyhound by Swedish house
mafia, I have such strong emotional connections to these songs that I could not choose
between the two. My favourite album would most likely have to be until now by Swedish
house mafia. And finally, my favourite quote I saw on a random Facebook post years ago but
it stuck with me, that quote is “life is like an arrow, it has to be pulled back to fly forward”