Zodiac Sign - Cancer
Moon Sign - Taurus
Rising Sign - Libra Ascendant
I’d like to say I’m part of the fashion community - especially online. I find myself browsing through Depop and Instagram looking at new pieces of clothing or edgy outfits people wear. I was drawn to this community as I have my own eye for fashion and have for a long time; when I was younger I always wanted to be a fashion designer. Although that’s not my main aim now, I still find myself drawn back to fashion in my everyday life.
I’d also say I’m part of the art community, especially within my Art and Design Degree, although I don’t agree that it somewhat represents my identity. I feel I am only in this community due to the course I take. I also don’t necessarily believe communities make up our identities as such - I just think they help direct out journeys and guide us into finding out identity.
My favourite quote is one from the book ‘Milk and Honey’ by Rupi Kaur which says: To Be Soft is To Be Powerful. I also have this quote tattooed on my rib. It speaks to me as it suggests that you can be a kind person and still hold the power to do things or stand up to others - to be strong. My childhood and the things I’ve been through communicate with this idea and carries me through day to day life; to remind me that I can be soft and powerful