I spoke to my tutor about my current ideas and how the survey went. She thought it was a great idea and gave me some pointers where I could take the project. We spoke about the communities that were available to me - I had the most answers on the community question for alternative, pole, gaming & LGBQT + which shows me I can explore these. She thought with the success of the survey and me already thinking about social media, that I could use my platforms to my advantage and find a way for people to join in. With the pandemic this might be the way forward anyway, as I won’t be able to photograph people due to the restrictions and the fact the situation constantly changes.
We spoke about ideas to look into - she really likes the idea of using stereotypes, anonymously telling stories or secrets, using masks or other coverings to hide people's identities or to bring forward a certain kind of identity. We spoke about looking into the pole route of things - the feminism that comes with pole, how people perceive pole dancers & strippers, the male gaze upon the industry even though it is female dominated, it’s history etc. She told me about an artist called Phillip Lorca Dicorcia who worked with dancers and does some interesting work. She also wanted me to look into Gillian Wearing, who I actually explored in sixth form.
Overall this was a really helpful tutorial and I’m really thankful for Chloe for taking my ideas on board.